Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lucky Lunch

A four mile trip from work to home is such a life saver. I particularly feel so lucky to be able to escape work every day to drive home at lunch. Imagine the money saved...a cheap lunch, and probably an unhealthy one would be $4. Four dollars per day x an average of 20 days is $80 per month. And, seriously, would you buy the same $4 lunch per day? So, I'm probably saving more like $100 per month. For me, that's an entire new outfit or two at the consignment shop. Plus, I don't bring a lunch to work and nibble on it while still working.

The dogs love it too....they get to go outside and bask in the sun. I get to eat healthy leftovers or make a sandwich in which I know the ingredients. I catch up on TV shows I've DVR'd, I unload the dishwasher, throw in a load of laundry...just chill-ax (as my kids say). I particularly love the 1-2pm lunch...makes the afternoon go by a lot quicker.

So, here's to lunch!

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